
Delivering mail while stuck inside can be a fun learning activity.

What you need:

  1. Notes or letters (these can be created beforehand or the activity can be played simply with post-it notes).

  2. Stuffed animals, dolls, or action figures

How to play:

  • Ask your child to gather their ‘friends’ together (between 5-10 is great).

  • Now have them place their stuffed animals around the room in different places. These are now their “homes”.

  • Then have them deliver notes, pretending to play “mail delivery”.

More ways to play:

  • Number the stuffed animals 1-5 and practice delivering them mail in numerical order.

  • Ask your child to deliver from largest animal to smallest.

  • For older kids, ask them to draw a map of their stuffed animals houses along a route. Have them assign a number to each house. This is the address. Now, have them write a number on each note. Now they must deliver on their route!

  • To encourage more movement, have them place their stuffed animals all over the house and then use a timer as they race to complete their route. See what their best time can be (out of 3).


Learning During Laundry


Post-it Note I Spy