Bug Movement Activities
Use the world of bugs as inspiration for movement games and co-play activities.
Butterfly Freeze Game
What You’ll Need to Play:
circles drawn in chalk on the sidewalk or washi tape on the floor
How to Play:
Tell children to pretend they are in a special garden where each circle is a beautiful flower and they are going to be butterflies.
Play music and when you do, all butterflies will flutter around the “garden.”
When the music stops, all of the butterflies must land on a “flower” and take a break.
While they pause, they can pretend to drink up the flower’s nectar!
Play Tip:
Add an element of coordination to Butterfly Freeze Game with an extra challenge. First make sure you have an extra circle. Then during each pause, ask a child who is near the empty circle to jump from their current circle to the empty one. Make sure to instruct them to do this individually, one at a time, to avoid crashes. Keep playing until each child has had a chance to jump.
Skills: following instructions, spatial awareness, coordination, imagination
Busy Bee Follow The Leader
Play a game of follow the leader with bee-themed movements and sounds.
How to Play:
Say, “Friends, we are going to be busy bees! When I say and do something, I want you to do it, too! Are you ready?”
Say “Busy bees, BUZZ!” while you model the buzzing sound. For all actions, keep going until all students have joined in.
“Busy bees, twirl!” Model twirling.
“Busy bees, jump!” Model jumping.
“Busy bees, fly from here to there!” Model flying.
“Busy bees, wave your wings to your friends!” Model waving.
“Busy bees take a rest!” Model sitting down for a rest.
Skills: following instructions, coordination, spatial awareness
Head to the HOMER Lean & Grow App for more bug facts, adventures, and stories!